sally ng

· Presentations
· Zingtrip
· Progress Ware
· Vango 2.0
· SylLab Security
· Resume

A designer hailing from San Francisco.
B.F.A Industrial Design, California College of the Arts. 

contact (Industrial Design Portfolio)


Milan Design Week

I was invited to participate in Milan Design Fair’s 2018 Ventura Lambrate District to exhibit the Progress Ware project. During my time there, I put together a trend and trip report for my workplace at the time. Below are short excerpts from the report. The focuses were on innovative furniture design, assembly, material, color and prints. There was quite a lot to see and experience...!

Milan Design Fairs’ various art districts and exhibitions throughout the week was truly inspirational. The main Salone was quite immense and took probably 2-3 days to complete.

Report Template

A sample of the customized layouts and templates for presentations I create for company reports geared toward strategy meetings.